Rampone/Rampone-Trumpet.jpg' alt='Evette Schaeffer Serial Numbers Saxophone Parts' title='Evette Schaeffer Serial Numbers Saxophone Parts' />Clarinet. Perfection Welcome to Historical Clarinet Information. Welcome and please wait as items get moved over to the new Clarinet. I wrote this article years ago in June 2009. I plan on making a short video of how to do this and posting it. So stay tuned for that video for a demonstration of that. Evette Schaeffer Serial Numbers Saxophone Parts' title='Evette Schaeffer Serial Numbers Saxophone Parts' />Perfection. For your enjoyment, you can watch this over and over again until everything is completed. Clarinet. Perfection. I received from Leblanc USA about one of my clarinets, my Normandy 4 that I bought from Mr. Herb Couf, Royal Music back in 1. In 1. 99. 6 I contacted Leblanc USA, after hours, and a nice lady faxed me a serial number list that they had. The list was not in their computers thus no one else was given this list. So I published it on the new website for everyone to have. Then I went on a search for serial number lists of my other clarinets, and the website grew from there. The website has been totally paid out of pocket since its inception. I should have added Google Ads, or a Paypal button but never got to that level. Saxophone. org created by saxophone players for saxophone players. Features an active saxophone forum, buy sell trade your sax, saxophone museum, sax teachers and more. Crack Autocad Land Desktop 2009 64 Bit. Clarinets. please double click the title or picture to view a photo gallery. Wichita Band Instrument Co., Inc., E. M. Shorts Guitar Shop, and The Wichita Violin Shop. Program Windrose on this page. New, used and vintage professional quality musical instruments, all at. Host company against raised my rates, and this time I balked, and did not resign, and thus found a new home for it here. Please wait a while as i move the data over to the new format. I am always collecting new information, and wouldnt mind a donation here or there to help pay for some expenses sooner or later Ill add a Paypal button. I am also collection alto and tenor Saxophone tonehole diameters for the entire horn for another project. Those can be emailed to Steve.