Greenmedinfo. com Natural Health Resource The worlds most widely referenced, open access, natural medicine database, with 30,000 study abstracts and growing daily. Makahiya, bashful mimosa, mimosa pudica Philippine Herbal Medicines An illustrated compilation by Dr Godofredo Umali Stuart, with botanical information, chemical. Without specific knowledge of their cellular actions or mechanisms, phytochemicals have been used as poison and in traditional medicine. Adobe Premiere Pro Cs6 Crack Mac. For example, salicin, having. All content of Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism is permanently archived and preserved in Portico. ICMJE Recommendations updated August 2013. Combined Hepatoprotective Activity of Murraya koenigii and Phyllanthus niruri Extracts Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity in Alcoholic Rats. Medicalinsider. com Detoxification Methods and Heavy Metal Chelation Protocols. NATURE CURES A Z of medicinal herbs and spices. THE A Z OF MEDICINAL HERBS AND SPICESA herb is any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine or perfume. In botany herb means any seed bearing plant which does not have a woody stem and dies down to the ground after. The worlds largest herb is the banana plant. Herbs and spices not only contain many nutrients but have amazing medicinal and health giving properties and most have been used for thousands of years to cure adverse human conditions, infections and disease without the serious side effects that modern day drugs can inflict because they work with the body naturally as nature intended. The body is a clever machine which takes what it needs from plants and expels that which it doesnt. Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common' title='Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common' />Interfering with this natural process by trying to kill off the pathogenic bacteria causing infection and disease will never work until the processes that take place on a molecular level are. The human body cannot naturally deal with powerful synthetic chemicals which build up as toxins in the system. It needs the additional supportive phytochemicals which herbs possess. To then treat side effects with more drugs adds to the burden already placed on the delicate weakened human system. The alternative is to use natural herbs as medicine instead which have been tested for thousands of years by our ancestors. Every human body is so completely different, in its makeup, it is impossible to manufacture a one size fits all drug. Certain basic elements are needed in so many different combinations and amounts that drugs will never heal without side effects. Drug companies have managed to persuade society that they have all the answers when in actual fact they have no idea of the consequences for humans that ingest large doses of single chemical elements over a. Home made remedies. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter. Like on Facebook. Follow on Twitter There are many ways to utilise foods to make remedies that are natural and toxin free. See how to Make Your Own Home Remedies. WARNING Many drugs and addictive substances including alcohol, coffee and sugar block the absorption of nutrients and have adverse effects on the medicinal properties of many natural plant foods and herbs. Therefore, the benefit of consuming natural plant foods will only be truly felt by those that do not take any synthetic drugs or addictive substances. Some herbs and spices can create the same effect as certain medications so if taking anticoagulants blood thinning medication, or. Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common' title='Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common' />Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri CommonThere are also foods that can adversely affect some ongoing health issues and so should be avoid too. To find out more see What to Avoid and When. INDEX OF MEDICINAL HERBS AND SPICESAs any botanist will tell you, there is such a huge diversity of species of plants around the planet and many have been named differently over the centuries. Here they are listed by their most common names, but if you do not see what you are looking for, do type the name in the search box at the top of this page as it will invariably be listed under a different name. Some have links as they are described in more detail on their own page. Search for a herb or spice A Z of Natural Foods. Abuta Abutta officinalisAcacia Acacia nilotica or Ajos Caspi Cordia alliodora The root of this Amazonian plant has substances which have anti microbial and anti fungal properties. The Raintree Database has over 100 important rainforest medicinal plants including Erva Tostao Boerhaavia diffusa. The Raintree database of over 100 rainforest medicinal plants includes Chanca Piedra Phyllanthus niruri, amarus. Mansoa alliaceaAn alcoholic maceration of the stem and roots of this Amazonian plant is used for rheumatism and a leaf infusion is used in baths to relieve manchiari a nervous state caused by terror or sudden shock, especially in children. A stem decoction is used in baths to relieve fatigue and cramps. Some Amazonian natives use it to protect themselves against bad spirits, whilst others use the decoction of leaves and stems as antipyretic baths, for body aches and flu. Alisma Alisma plantago aquatica, European water plantain, common water plantain or mad dog weed Pimenta dioica, Jamaica pepper, pepper, myrtle pepper, pimenta, pimento corns, English pepper, new spiceThis is the dried unripe fruit of the pimento tree native to the Greater Antilles, Southern Mexico and Central America. This spice is named for its aroma which is like a combination of the spice scents of cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. It contains caryophyllene, eugenol, glycosides, methyleugenol, quercetin, resin, sesquiterpenes, tannins, vitamin A, vitamin B2 riboflavin, vitamin B3 niacin, vitamin B5 pantothenic acid,  vitamin B6 pyridoxine, vitamin B9, vitamin C, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and selenium. Eugenol, has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties and is useful in gum and dental treatment. Allspice oil mixed with extractions from garlic and oregano can work against E. Salmonella and L. This spice is also very good for relieving flatulence, stomach cramps and dyspeptic pain and can help with nervous exhaustion and diarrhoea. It may be applied as an external compress in cases of rheumatism and neuralgia. It can also be used as a poultice or in hot baths for arthritis and joint problems or back pain. NOTE This spice should be avoided in individuals suffering from stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis. Aloe barbadensisAloe vera was known as the plant of immortality by the ancient Egyptians and the wand of heaven by the native tribes of the Americas because they were aware of its powerful properties that can assist the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and soothe, cleanse and help the body to maintain healthy tissues. See more about aloe vera. Heuchera, cranesbill root, spotted cranes bill, wild geranium, crowfoot, dovefoot, American keno rootAlum root is a strong astringent used to stop the bleeding of cuts, superficial abrasions and ulcers on the lips. It is used in dilute form as a mouthwash or gargle and has been effective for mouth and throat ulcers. Internally, it is useful as a tea or in capsules to help ease malaria symptoms, diarrhoea, for loose bowels and for excessive mucus in the. A decoction can be made of grated alum root simmered in a litre of water until the liquid has halved, strain then drink when cooled. NOTE Alum root can cause gastrointestinal irritation if taken in large amounts. Carapa guianensisOil from the seeds of the Andiroba tree that grows in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest has potent analgesic, anti bacterial, anti cancerous and anti inflammatory properties. It is also rich in linoleic fatty acids required for healthy cell membranes which reduce puffiness and swelling of the skin. Phyllanthus_niruri.jpg' alt='Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common Name' title='Antioxidant Activity Of Phyllanthus Niruri Common Name' />It can also prevent and even reverse cervical dysphasia which is a precancerous condition that often develops into cervical cancer. In Latin America, the oil is often mixed with copaiba oil and honey as a cure. Andrographis paniculata, Indian echinacea, green chirettaAndrographis is an  immune stimulant and anti parasitic, antibiotic and anti viral tonic herb used for treating hepatitis B, HIVAIDS, flatulence, healing and preventing gastric acidity, bowel complaints. Mediterranean fever and upper respiratory tract infections. It also inhibits the bodys inflammatory mechanism and has anti microbial abilities and is. Andrographis can also help to stop the clumping of blood platelets which is the clotting processthat can lead to heart attacks. NOTE Pregnant women or those trying to conceive should avoid Andrographis. Safety during lactation is not known.